martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Response journal entry # 7: THE VALUES AMERICANS LIVE BY

Having a cross-cultural experience situation often appears as hard and confusing to understand unfamiliar aspects of another culture. In this case, to have a better understanding of the American culture, but only through time and be willing to absorb in order to learn different cultural behaviors can change our own cultural perspective.
Being able to have the experience to lived in the US made me at that time realized, at my first month there that the ajustment was going to be harder than I expected. I was in a town where no foreigners lived. However, the time passed by, and I was able to experienced quicker what the american culture was really about because I only had american friends.
One of the values I truly learned was to be on time. This aspect is very important for them, it helps them to have a control over time management. Everything is set according of what they had establish previously. Accomplishing any tasks takes preference over interpersonal relationships in order sometimes to have a effective use of time in productivity.
Another value I got interested in was the initiative they have to be successful trough their own hard work and sacrifice, it will bring a much better future orientation towards personal goals.
Is important not the jugde or make any prejudice towards any specific culture, get to know it better as much as you can, to be involved on it, will be easier to fit in. Understanding all kind of target culture values, can help us to make sense of the actions and different statements we will come across, in this case to the gigantic mixture of the American culture.

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